An intrusion detection system ought to be a priority for any organization that makes use of private data. Your intrusion prevention system can mean the difference between protecting every piece of data that you hold for your clients, and the loss of clients because you are not able to keep their information confidential. An organization that makes use of a reliable network security platform is more likely to attract new clients, since you will be able to tell the interest of clients in your services about how you make use of next gen network security and an enterprise firewall. Using a next generation network and enterprise firewall is a great way to instill confidence among the potential clients you come across.
There are six general types of firewalls, including SOHO software firewalls, SOHO hardware firewalls, embedded firewalls, enterprise software based firewalls, enterprise hardware based firewalls and other specialty firewalls. American government branches experienced more than a 650 percent rise in digital security breaches over the past six years. Enterprise firewall sales have dramatically increased during that time.
?An unhappy San Francisco city administrator locked access to a critical network in 2008 by resetting important passwords, then refusing to tell officials what the new passwords were. The organizational cost of a security breach, in addition to the cost per lost or stolen record, declined according to a 2011 study. The reputation of the company that suffers a breach can take nearly one full year to repair.