You’ve already learned about how infant care impacts the lives of babies and how parents like you can benefit as well. But now it’s time to take a look at how early child care effects toddlers and children as they grow up and progress through life.
Here are a few additional benefits of child development centers for toddlers:
Your toddler will learn more about the world
Your children can only learn so much from you. That doesn’t mean you’re a bad teacher or parent, far from it, but it’s just difficult to balance work, family, personal relationships, and all the other aspects of life on top of successfully raising your kids. Fortunately, toddlers’ brains are like sponges, and exposing them to new environments will accelerate their development. That means your toddlers will be able to learn all kinds of fun new things while in after school daycare.
Your toddler will be on the right track for a successful future
To set your kids up for educational success, career success, and personal success, you have to start early. Sending children to trusted child care facilities is a great place to start. These programs can help your kids understand how life works and what it takes to be successful, in school and beyond. These valuable lessons will help them find out what they want out of life and provide them with the tools and drive to go after their goals and ensure a successful future.
In fact, according to the Early Childhood Education Zone, there is a much higher chance of problems down the line for kids who never had additional schooling or after school support. Roughly 25% of at-risk kids are more likely to drop out of high school if they did not receive preschool education. Additionally, these at-risk kids are 40% more likely to become teen parents, 60% more likely to not go to college, and, sadly, 70% more likely to be arrested for committing a violent crime.
Your toddler will learn to be independent
Though your kid will have plenty of fun hanging out with kids their age at these learning facilities, they will also be able to work on certain tasks by themselves. Working on these projects without help from anyone else will teach your toddler the importance of independence. This will help them become better workers and learners for the future.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of child care facilities for your infant or toddler, contact child care centers near you. And if you’re looking for quality child care in Bonita Springs, call Growing Room Child Development Centers today!