Even one prolonged power loss in your neighborhood can be weathered with the aid of a dependable backup generator. The more frequent causes of your home losing power include blown transformers, downed power lines, and storm-leveled trees.
When placed correctly, the right generator can keep your family’s daily comforts intact while you wait for power personnel to restore electrical service. However, if your generator is not installed correctly, the repercussions could be detrimental and even dangerous. Here are some suggestions for installing a power generator.
Before using your generator, you must unplug your home from the electrical grid.
You risk “back feeding” if you put your generator straight into a standard wall outlet. The electricity generated in this case could leave your home, infiltrate the grid, and perhaps result in utility workers’ death while at work.
An electrical sub-panel with switches for each circuit you want to operate with your generator is part of the transfer switch. The power generator plugs into the subpanel, which is hooked straight to the house’s electrical service. The transfer switch totally disconnects your home from the electricity grid, while the generator’s power is restricted to the circuits you’ve chosen.
Know more by watching this video.