Does Your Child Have Asperger’s? A Special School May Be Able to Help

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Boarding school dyslexia

As access to information increases as technology improves, more and more children are being diagnosed with neurological disorders, including Asperger’s syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and dyslexia. This can be extremely confusing and frightening for both families and the children themselves; however, these diagnoses, when correctly ascertained, can help a child connect with the resources they need to help them learn to work with their disorder as they age. Increasingly, these resources are including specific educational programs and institutions designed specifically for students with neurological disorders. As a result, schools for Asperger’s, schools for ADHD, and schools for dyslexia are expanding across the United States. Can these facilities, from schools for dyslexia to programs for Aspergers, help your child as they develop?

One of the most common neurological disorders that is thought to require specific schooling is Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism. It is named after an Austrian pediatrician, Hans Asperger, who studied children who lacked nonverbal communication skills, showed limited empathy when dealing with their peers, and were physically clumsy. Today, Asperbeger’s syndrome is known as a disorder recognizable through a pattern of these and other symptoms rather than a single, set sign.

Because of the many social and behavioral difficulties that are part of the disorder, many people with Asperger’s syndrome attend special Aspergers schools, while others are fine with regular education classes. The typical school for Aspergers will use a variety of therapies that address core symptoms of the disorder, including poor communication and obsessive or repetitive routines. Many of the students at these schools are able to utilize the skills they learn to live a more normal, healthy life.

Similar educational programs are also used to help children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly known as ADHD. While not as severe in most cases as Aspergers, ADHD is the most commonly behavioral disorder diagnosed in childhood, affecting around 3 to 5% of school-aged children. The cause of this disorder is unclear: it is suspected to run in families, but the only thing that can be certain is that it is set in motion early in life, as the brain is developing. Like schools for Aspergers, schools for ADHD focus on teaching methods to address symptoms of the disease, such as hyperactivity and an inability to concentrate.

If your child has been diagnosed with a neurological condition such as Asperger’s, ADHD, or dyslexia, you may be concerned that this disorder will have a lasting effect on their lives. However, by turning to an educational program that addresses the needs and symptoms of their condition, including schools for dyslexia, ADHD and more, they may be able to develop the skills to surpass their limits. Contact an educational program for children with neurological conditions today to learn how they can help your child.

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