![Teaching jobs](https://s3.amazonaws.com/xqw/1601_599_240470_1.jpg)
The job market has made a strong comeback, and is now thriving follow the financial and economic crisis of the mid 2000’s. With unemployment rates steadily dropping, job seekers and applicants are using this time to reevaluate their skill set in order to land or even create the perfect career path.
Aside from rate of pay, job security is an important factor for job seekers. As technology continues to advance, many jobs and career paths have now become obsolete, as technology has replaced many positions that humans once had. Perhaps one of the greatest advantages of college and university jobs is the high level of job security that they offer, allowing employees to enjoy a peace of mind that many others in various fields do not have.
Not all higher education positions involving teaching. While there are a number of faculty jobs and adjunct faculty jobs available, there is also an equal amount of staff and supportive positions. There are several jobs at colleges and universities that do not involve teaching nor require you to have a two or four year college degree. For example, administrative and staff assistant positions are highly desirable college and university jobs. Administrative jobs are highly sought after. Or, you may be interested in working as medical assistant at the on campus clinic. The possibilities are endless.
Regardless of which career path you take within higher education, all roles provide a high level of job satisfaction and fulfillment. You’re helping to provide youth or those returning to get their degree with positive educational experience. You’re helping university students to meet their potential.
Additionally, college and university jobs provide exceptional benefits, such as higher rates of pate, insurance coverage, and generous paid time off. Another benefit is tuition reimbursement for yourself, your spouse, and your dependents, which means your children may have the opportunity to attend college for little to no cost.
With the new school year in full swing, now is the perfect time to consider a career in higher education.