The arts tend to come last on the list of priorities for many schools — and they’re often the first to be cut. But the reality is that involvement in the arts can provide a plethora of opportunities to learn in ways that cannot easily be replicated in other disciplines. Whether your child has been able to find a creative outlet at school or they’ve been denied the arts education you know would benefit them, a camp for artistic kids can provide fantastic advantages in a number of areas. We’ll discuss a few of these benefits in today’s post.
- Summer arts camps help children perform better in school
As we’ve mentioned, the arts aren’t always made a priority in all educational settings. But they should be. That’s because research has found that an emphasis on school-based arts education helps students succeed. Arts education in schools has been connected with higher standardized test scores, improved attendance records, lowered dropout rates, and increased brain development overall. Regardless of whether or not your child’s school has a solid arts program, spending the summer in the arts can prohibit learning loss and keep participants engaged over these vacation months and into the next year. - Camps for artistic kids promote valuable skills Of course, attending an art summer camp Miami families love will help your child develop creative skills in areas like dance, music, visual art, theatre, and voice. But participation in these activities will actually develop other essential skills, too. For example, your child will learn to communicate in new and effective ways through art. They’ll learn more about the value of self-expression and passion. They’ll also form a lasting connection with others from all walks of life and develop empathy and acceptance. They may even develop healthy coping mechanisms, improve their mathematics skills, or increase their reading comprehension and ability to write. Not only will this help them to succeed in school, but it’ll also help them later on in life. Because creativity is one of the top skills employers look for during the hiring process, something as simple as attending a camp for artistic kids can improve their outcomes in the workforce far into the future.
- There’s something for everyone at arts camps One of the great things about summer arts camps is that they are appropriate for kids of all different ages and skill levels. Your child doesn’t have to be a musical prodigy or a budding thespian to enjoy and learn from their involvement in these camps. Even if they’ve had no experience in the arts at all, many camps will welcome them with open arms. That’s because the arts are meant to be accessible to everyone. All you need is an enthusiasm for creativity and fun. And because our camp for artistic kids involves several different disciplines, families are bound to find one that appeals to their child’s interests.
While our summer programs for 2018 are winding down, that doesn’t mean you can’t think ahead for next year! And don’t forget about our independent private school programs. Although there are 33,619 private schools in the U.S., ours has a distinct focus on arts education for the benefit of all children. To learn more, please contact us today.