Choosing the Best Daycare Environment For Your Child

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Finding the best day care situation for your child is imperative to their development. A lot of parents are not aware that not everyday care enrollment opportunity is a preschool enrollment opportunity. The goal should be to find day care that combines both preschool education with optimal care.

About two-thirds of American children between the age of three and six attend some sort of preschool program. For your child to remain competitive and get the academic start they need before you sign that day care enrollment form be sure that you are enrolling them in a setting that offers preschool.

What is The Difference Between Day Care and A Day Care That Offers Preschool Education?

The fact is the definition of day care can vary widely. Day care can mean your child spends the day without structure and learning. It can also mean that they are cared for in an environment that is focused on learning.

Making sure your child gets the development support that they need starts with day care enrollment in a childcare program that includes preschool classes. Preschool daycare is a program that is designed to provide structure, a learning environment, and lots of fun in between.

How Important is Preschool?

When children start kindergarten now they are expected to come to school with a wide range of skill sets. They will need to be able to recognize letters, numbers, and more. Preschool education will ensure that they have mastered all the basics.

Getting a good academic foundation starts with a curriculum that is age-appropriate and based on research. In the scope of things, preschool is very important for a child to succeed in elementary school. Today kindergarten is no longer about socialization. Children are expected to perform in kindergarten. Preschool daycare can set the foundation that they need.

Do Not Settle for Day Care That Does Not Offer Preschool Education

Preschool tuition and day care without a preschool option typically do not range that far apart in costs. Of course, there is no replacement for the enrichment your child will receive when you choose day care enrollment in a day care environment that also is a preschool.

Your child deserves the best in care. Give them the best opportunity to succeed. Enroll your child in an early learning center for their day care needs.

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