If you manage a childcare, a dental office, hospitality, elder care, restaurant or any organization that works directly with people, an on-site BLS class can help your organization be prepared for anything.!
CPR training Portland that comes to you and delivers the training that prepares employees for the worst-case scenario is a great opportunity. For some groups it is mandatory.
What is BLS Class?
Basic Life Support Training is a skill set that is often required for people that work in certain occupations like health care providers or for people that work with people that are at risk of needing CPR.
This training teaches individuals how to safely apply CPR. There is a lot of confusion of whether there is a difference between CPR and BLS training. There is not! It is the same training.
Make the Difference
One of the best reasons to consider bls classes is because it makes difference. Having a staff that can act quickly until the emergency medical professionals arrive can mean the difference between life and death.
It is vitally important in certain industries that BLS skills are taught especially when working with high risk groups. BLS classes Portland OR that are affordable and convenient can help your team to be ready for any event and ready to act.
Every staff that works with the public should have at least 2 people on staff that has taken CPR training. Quick response is vital in sudden acute situations. For healthcare providers it is a mandatory certification.
This skill set is so important that many industries require certification. Childcare workers, nursing home attendants, dental office personnel and more all require that either all staff members or a percentage of them have certification in BLS.
Convenient and Affordable
On site training is an excellent opportunity to get your staff trained and certified all at once. Instead of staff members having to absorb the cost and find a class, the class can come to your on-site location. It can be a very affordable way to ensure that your staff is well-prepared and in compliance.
Be able to provide life saving services to your clients, customers or patients by taking advantage of CPR training that comes to you!