When it comes to your children, you always, of course, want to provide them with the very best. It makes sense, after all, as we want our children to have a world of opportunities and good experiences throughout their lives, starting young and continuing into adolescence and adulthood. Such is the case for finding child care for them, both when looking at preschool options and looking into finding a summer camp.
Finding a summer camp program becomes a concern of many a parent here in the United States, especially in households where both parents work. Finding a summer camp means finding a place for the child to attend while the parent is away from the home, something that can be particularly important for children who are still too young to stay home alone by themselves. Fortunately, finding a summer camp is easier than ever before nowadays, as there are likely to be a number of different summer camp programs even just in your area alone.
There are a number of things to consider when finding a summer camp, however, such as what activities they will participating in over the duration of the camp. Swimming, for instance, is a popular summer camp activity. And among summer camp activities, swimming is an important skill for any child to learn. After all, drowning is a bigger threat than many people realize, and has even been classified as the second leading cause of unintentional death for those who are between the ages of 1 and 14. Teaching your child how to swim – or finding a summer camp that will do so for you – is critical in preventing this, and it’s a skill that can ultimately save your child’s life.
Aside from finding a summer camp, many parents will also have to consider how to find a top notch day care and preschool program for the rest of the year. Preschool is, after all, quite important for the development of just about every child, more so than was once thought. The data backs up this claim, showing that, among a population of at risk children here in the United States, up to 60% of them were considerably less likely to get a college education if they had not attended a high quality and well thought out preschool program in their earlier years.
In addition to this already very compelling fact, it has also been found that nearly three quarters (around 70%, to be just a little bit more specific) of this same population of at risk children actually become considerably more likely to commit some type of violent crime later on in life if a high quality preschool education is lacking, even that many years that. And up to one full quarter of such children, such children at a higher risk than other children here in the United States, have even been found to have greatly raised chances of dropping out even from high school if they did not complete a high quality preschool program in their younger years.
Therefore, whether your child is at risk or not, the quality of preschool that you send your child to is a hugely important thing for a number of reasons. For one, relatively basic, you want to ensure that your child is being treated well and provided with affection and the proper guidance when they are in such a preschool program. Entrusting your child to the care of others can certainly be a hugely difficult thing to do, and knowing how high in quality a preschool program is can really help in this regard.
In addition to this, sending your child to a good preschool program is also a great way to get them to socialize with other children, something that is likely to be even more important if they are an only child (at least for the time being, that is). Providing your child with a chance for social development before they enter their elementary school years can be hugely helpful, and can set them up for social success later on in life, something that is very ideal.