Internships and Co-ops Gaining Experience Before the Job



One of the key components to getting a job right out of college is to have experience in the field. Co-op programs and internships are a great way to get the experience that you need while you are still in school. Most people have heard of internships, but many people have not heard of co-op placements and do not know how these programs work.

This video provides in-depth information about how a co-op program works and what you can expect. Not every school offers this type of program but the video covers the schools that do.

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Understanding your options as a student to get the experience you need under your belt is essential.

Beefing up your resume with real-life experience in a co-op program can help you to muscle out the competition when you apply for that first position right out of school. This video delivers the information you need to make an informed decision about how you will gain the experience that you need.

Watch this video to learn more about co-op programs, internships, and how they can make you highly employable.


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