The Progression of Craftsman/ Blue Collar Jobs Over the Years

craftsman/blue collar


Craftsman/blue collar workers have been around for more than a century, but with the rise of the gig economy and the need for a strong and reliable workforce, it has recently gained more attention. Craftsman/blue collar workers perform manual labor or work in manual professions such as manufacturing, construction, and other related fields. These workers are important in many industries because they frequently fill positions that require skill, commitment, and hard work. This guide delves deeply into common craftsman/blue collar jobs.

Roofing Technicians

Roofing has been an essential part of construction for centuries. In the past, craftsman/blue collar workers used natural materials like thatch, straw, and mud to create roofing structures. However, the advent of modern roofing materials led to the evolution of roofing techniques and the role of the roofer. Roofers today install and repair roofs on residential and commercial buildings using various metals, tiles, and shingles.

To keep up with advancements in technology and construction methods, the role of the roofer has evolved to include more specialized skills and training. Roofers must be familiar with various roofing materials and their applications, as well as techniques for working safely at heights. Furthermore, modern roofing systems frequently necessitate the use of specialized tools and equipment, which roofers must be trained to use.

Despite changes and advancements in the roofing industry, roofers remain an important part of the craftsman/blue collar workforce. Roofers are skilled professionals who take pride in their work, ensuring that roofs are installed and repaired to the highest standards. The craftsmanship and dedication of roofers are vital to ensuring the safety and functionality of buildings, making them a crucial component of the construction industry.


For centuries, home painting has been an important part of the construction industry, with a long history of using natural pigments to create paint that was then applied to walls, ceilings, and other surfaces. However, with the introduction of new materials and techniques, the painting industry has evolved significantly over time. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of painters, construction, and maintenance workers is expected to grow by 6% between 2020 and 2030, faster than the national average. This increase is due to an increase in construction and maintenance activities, which includes the demand for home painters.

The evolution of home painting has included technological advances, such as the development of synthetic materials that have made paint more durable and long-lasting. Besides, home painting techniques have evolved to incorporate the use of sprayers and rollers, making the process more efficient and effective. Home painters today prepare surfaces, apply paint, and ensure that the finished product is smooth and even. These craftsman/blue collar workers must be knowledgeable about various types of paint and how to apply them, as well as techniques for creating various finishes and effects.

HVAC Technicians

The history of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technicians can be traced back to the 1800s when heating and cooling systems were first invented. At the time, the installation and maintenance of these systems were primarily done by plumbers and engineers. However, as HVAC systems became more complex and specialized, the need for dedicated technicians arose. In the mid-20th century, the introduction of central air conditioning systems led to the establishment of the modern HVAC industry. As the industry continues to evolve, the role of HVAC technicians remains essential in ensuring the comfort and safety of buildings.

Significant technological advancements, regulatory changes, and a growing emphasis on energy efficiency have all contributed to the advancement of HVAC technicians. Today’s craftsman/blue collar workers in HVAC must be familiar with a wide range of systems and technologies, such as smart thermostats and building automation systems. Furthermore, there is an increasing demand for HVAC technicians who specialize in energy-efficient systems and renewable energy sources like solar panels and geothermal heat pumps. As the industry evolves, HVAC service providers’ role in ensuring building comfort and safety, as well as reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, will become increasingly important.


Early civilizations recognized the importance of trees for their medicinal properties as well as their role in providing shade and shelter for centuries. The modern tree service industry, on the other hand, has evolved significantly, with a wide range of specialized professionals in charge of planting, trimming, and removing trees. Tree planting is one of the most important craftsman/blue collar jobs, as it necessitates a thorough understanding of soil types, climate, and other environmental factors.

Tree trimming, which involves removing dead or diseased branches to promote healthy growth, is another important aspect of tree services. “A tree pruned in the spring bears the best fruit,” was emphasized by Alexander Pope. Trimming trees at the right time is critical for their health and longevity. Tree trimmers must be skilled in using specialized tools and techniques to ensure that the tree is not damaged during the process. Finally, tree removal is necessary when trees become hazardous or pose a risk to people and property.

The tree services industry has seen several developments in recent years. One trend is the increased use of technology to improve efficiency and safety. This includes the use of drones to survey trees, specialized software to analyze tree health and growth patterns, and advanced equipment for pruning and removal. Another trend is a growing focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility. Tree service companies are now offering more eco-friendly options, such as using organic fertilizers and implementing tree preservation techniques.

Plumbing Technicians

Plumbing technicians have been a critical part of human society since ancient times, with the earliest recorded evidence of indoor plumbing dating back to the Indus Valley civilization in 2600 BC. However, the modern plumbing industry has evolved significantly, with specialized professionals who are responsible for the installation, maintenance, and repair of complex plumbing systems.

Plumbing craftsman/blue collar technicians are now highly trained professionals who use cutting-edge tools and techniques to transport water and waste safely and efficiently. The plumbing industry is highly regulated, with strict codes and standards in place to ensure the safety of plumbing systems and public health. Plumbers must be well-versed in a variety of systems and technologies, such as water heaters, water softeners, and sewage systems.

Looking to the future, the plumbing industry is likely to continue to evolve as new technologies and materials are developed. One area of focus is the use of smart technology, such as leak detection sensors and automated shut-off valves, to prevent water damage and reduce water waste. Additionally, there is a growing interest in sustainable plumbing solutions, such as rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse systems, which can help conserve water resources.

Lawn Managers

Lawn care providers are critical craftsman/blue collar workers in keeping lawns healthy, green, and free of pests and weeds. Lawn care providers use a variety of tools and techniques to keep lawns in good condition, such as mowing, fertilizing, aerating, and overseeding. Lawn care dates back to the 16th century in Europe when lawns were first planted as a symbol of wealth and prestige. Early lawns were typically cared for by hand, with scythes and other manual tools. Lawn care became more efficient and accessible to the general public with the invention of lawnmowers in the nineteenth century.

Lawn care is now a multibillion-dollar industry, with a plethora of products and services available to assist homeowners and businesses in maintaining healthy, beautiful lawns. The lawn care industry has evolved to meet the changing needs and preferences of consumers, from traditional fertilizers and weed control products to sustainable and organic solutions. Looking ahead, the lawn care industry is likely to evolve further as new technologies and materials are developed. Sustainable lawn care solutions, such as natural fertilizers and organic weed control methods, are gaining popularity.

Fence Contractors

A fence building is the construction of a barrier made of various materials such as wood, metal, vinyl, or concrete to enclose a property, mark boundaries, or provide privacy. Measuring, digging post holes, installing posts, attaching fence panels or boards, and adding any finishing touches such as gates or latches are typical. Fence construction dates back to ancient times when they were used to protect livestock and crops from wild animals.

Fences were built from natural materials like brushwood or thorny shrubs, and they were frequently reinforced with rocks or other heavy objects to keep animals from knocking them down. During the Middle Ages, fences were frequently used to protect castles and other fortifications. These fences were typically made of stone, brick, or wood and were designed to be extremely defensive.

In the modern era, fence construction has become a popular trade for fence builders. Fences serve a variety of functions, including providing privacy, defining property boundaries, and improving the aesthetics of a property. Fence materials have evolved, with newer materials gaining popularity due to their durability and low maintenance. Fencing is still an important aspect of property ownership and landscaping, and that’s why you might need a fence builder.


Pavers are craftsman/blue collar workers who specialize in the installation of various types of paving, including asphalt paving. They are skilled workers who use specialized equipment and tools to create smooth and durable surfaces for roads, driveways, walkways, and other applications. Paving has a long and illustrious history, dating back to ancient times when roads were built with natural materials like gravel, stone, and clay. Asphalt has been used for paving since the nineteenth century when it was first used in France.

Asphalt paving has become a popular paving method due to its durability, flexibility, and low cost. It’s used in a variety of places, such as roadways, parking lots, and airport runways. Asphalt paving is classified into three types: hot mix asphalt, warm mix asphalt, and cold mix asphalt. Because it is more durable and long-lasting, hot mix asphalt is the most commonly used type for paving.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for paving and surfacing equipment operators, including pavers, is projected to grow by 3% from 2022 to 2030, which is about as fast as the average for all occupations. The growth is attributed to the need for infrastructure improvements, such as road repairs and new construction projects. This means that demand for skilled pavers will remain high in the coming years, making it a promising career path for those interested in the construction industry.

Metal Workers

Metal workers are craftsman/blue collar workers who specialize in the use of various metals to create structures, components, and products. Sheet metal fabrication is one area of specialization for metal workers. Sheet metal, a thin and flat metal material, is used to create a variety of products and components for industries such as automotive, construction, and manufacturing. Metal fabricators shape, cut, and weld sheet metal into various shapes and sizes using a variety of tools and techniques.

Metal fabrication has a long history that dates back to when metalworking was first invented. Modern sheet metal fabrication techniques and processes, on the other hand, have evolved significantly due to the use of advanced tools and technology. The demand for sheet metal fabrications continues to grow as various industries rely on these products and components for their operations.

One trend in the sheet metal fabrication industry is the use of automation and computer-aided design (CAD) technology. This has revolutionized the way sheet metal fabrications are created, enabling more precise and efficient manufacturing processes. Another trend is the use of lightweight and high-strength materials, such as aluminum and titanium, for metal fabrications, which is driven by the need for more fuel-efficient and durable products in various industries.

Well Pump Technicians

Well, pumps have been used since ancient times when humans began to dig wells to access water. To extract water from wells, the first pumps were hand-operated and required significant physical effort. The invention of mechanical pumps in the 18th century transformed the water well industry, and today, well pump craftsman/blue collar technicians use a variety of advanced tools and technologies to install and service well pumps efficiently and effectively.

To diagnose and repair problems with the well pump system, they use specialized tools and equipment such as pump pullers, well cameras, and water flow meters. With technological advancements and increasing demand for water, the need for well pump service providing is projected to grow in the coming years, making it an attractive career option for those interested in working in the plumbing and water supply industry.

Finally, blue-collar jobs play an important role in the economy and society as a whole. Craftsman/blue collar jobs have a long history, and workers’ roles and responsibilities have evolved over time to meet changing needs. Despite job market challenges and fluctuations, craftsman/blue collar jobs remain an important part of the workforce, providing critical services and keeping our communities running.

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