Education has come a long way since the days of the three R’s; reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic. In the United States and beyond, foreign language classes have become an integral part of education curriculums.
Although it’s common for middle and high school students to take foreign language classes, many educators agree that beginning foreign language education at an earlier academic level and younger age has a number of undeniable benefits.
Spanish is quickly becoming a noted world language, with as many as 41 million native Spanish speakers calling the United States home. Furthermore, an additional 11.6 million are bilingual in the United States, speaking both English and Spanish fluently. As such, it’s easy to see how learning Spanish an early age can empower children to better engage with and navigate a world that’s becoming increasingly multicultural.
Here’s what can happen when your little one takes Spanish curriculum lessons for preschoolers.
Sharpen cognitive skills
The brain of a child is designed to soak up and retain new information like a sponge, and preschool Spanish lessons can help to boosts your child’s cognitive abilities. Children that begin learning a foreign language, such as Spanish, at young age are more likely to develop stronger problem solving skills, sharper critical thinking skills, high levels of creativity, better memory, and effective multi-tasking skills. Spanish curriculum lessons for preschoolers go far beyond simply teaching children a foreign language, but rather support their overall education.
Better linguistics
Have noticed that children pick up on language so quickly? Learning a foreign language on top of a native language such as English can help children develop better linguistics. Children can develop fluency in both their native language and a foreign language with relatively quickly and easily. Children often develop stronger written and verbal communication skills by being enrolled Spanish curriculum lessons for preschoolers.
Cultural immersion
Experiential education is finally gaining the recognition it deserves, and including the importance of emotional intelligence or empathy. Culturally immersive experiences, such as travel or learning a foreign language, can help children develop soft skills such as empathy, self-awareness, and an overall higher level of emotional intelligence. After taking Spanish curriculum lessons for preschoolers, children are better able to connect with and respect cultural differences.