What To Know About Lead Removal



Many homes are outfitted with lead pipes, especially main pipes coming from the street. A lot of people do not think about how water makes it into their homes from the main water source. Typically the service pipes that are used are made of lead. When most of the municipal water systems were created lead pipes were the standard. Today, we have better safer options for water pipes.

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A lead removal service can help to get rid of the lead pipes and replace them with safer options.

Lead removal service can help to keep your water safer. The lead will leech into your water with time as the pipe deteriorates. It may be a challenge to get the utility company to change the pipes from the street to the meter but you can control what happens after the meter. This video talks but lead removal service, the danger of lead in your water, and ways you can get your water company to switch piping to a safer option.

Lead in your water poses a serious health risk. Learn what you can do to mitigate the risk and have lead pipes removed.


Many homes are outfitted with lead pipes, especially main pipes coming from the street. A lot of people do not think about how water makes it into their homes from the main water source. Typically the service pipes that are used are made of lead. When most of the municipal water systems were created lead pipes were the standard. Today, we have better safer options for water pipes.

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A lead removal service can help to get rid of the lead pipes and replace them with safer options.

Lead removal service can help to keep your water safer. The lead will leech into your water with time as the pipe deteriorates. It may be a challenge to get the utility company to change the pipes from the street to the meter but you can control what happens after the meter. This video talks but lead removal service, the danger of lead in your water, and ways you can get your water company to switch piping to a safer option.

Lead in your water poses a serious health risk. Learn what you can do to mitigate the risk and have lead pipes removed.

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